Pinning Teams

Pinning Teams

GAPP (Gospel to All Peoples and Places) gives you the ability to create teams and “child teams” to help you organize and structure your groups to track faithfulness and fruitfulness. Pinning teams as Favorites will allow you quick and easy access to record and view Activities. 



To Pin a Team from the Landing Page



To Pin a Team

  1. Expand your “Workspace” by selecting the arrow to the right of the Workspace name. 

  2. Select the Teams icon (insert icon pic) to show your list of Teams. 

  3. If you know the team name, you can search for it using the “search” box 

  4. You can also manually search through your teams by expanding and collapsing the list to find the team you are looking for 

  5. To pin a team, select the “pin” icon. Once chosen, a green notification box will alert you that this Team is now a Favorite. 

  6. Find your Favorite Team(s) on the side menu.  

You can remove a Team from your Favorites in two ways. 

  • Select the “pin” icon again. A green notification box will appear to confirm the Team was removed from Favorites. 

  • Or, in the “teams” section of the side menu, select the team you want to remove from favorites and select “Unpin from Favorites.”

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