Creating or Modifying Templates

Creating or Modifying Templates

Because templates are the core of the entire GAPP system, learning how to create, modify, and administer them is essential for a successful deployment of GAPP within a workspace. 

  • Who can create or modify templates?

    • Only those with workspace security roles of Owner, Administrator, or Creator can create or modify templates.  For more information, see KB article - “Template Location and Access.”

Understanding the Workspace Template Library Screen

  • Clicking the Library menu item under the Workspace menu brings up the following Template Library screen:

  1. Questions, Question Groups, and Templates:  These buttons allow viewing and setup of all questions, question groups, and templates.  Questions and Question groups will only display workspace specific questions and groups, while templates will display both workspace specific templates and copies of default (or global) templates.

  2. Template Table Search and Filters: This area allows for easy searching or filtering of templates by their tags, activity types, core tasks, or published status.

  3. Create: Clicking this button begins the template creation process.

  4. Template Table: This area contains all workspace templates and details.  Clicking the template name will open the template question editing and configuration screen.

  5. Published Status:  Templates that are published become available for assignment to teams.  New or copied templates default to unpublished so that edits can be made prior to making them available to those in the workspace.

  6. Team/Church:  This column displays how many teams within the workspace are currently using this template.

  7. Team Default:  This column shows if a template is setup to be a default template for all new workspace teams.  The “check” icon is clickable and immediately toggles this template’s default status.

  8. Team Locked:  This column displays if a template is “locked” or “unlocked.”  “Locked” status means that a template cannot be removed by Team Administrators.  Only workspace owners, admins, and creators can remove locked templates from teams.  This can be helpful if a workspace, for example, wants all teams to have a Gospel Conversation template.  Locking the template means it will always appear in a Team’s add activity menu.  This icon is clickable and immediate toggles this template’s locked status.

  9. Private: This column displays if a template is “Private” or “Public.”  Templates marked “Private” are hidden from Teams and Team administrators and can only be added to a team (made public for that team only) by workspace owners, admins, and creators.  Templates marked “Public” are available for any team in the workspace to add to their Team’s add activity menu.  Marking a template private can be helpful to minimize confusion for Team administrators.  For example, if a template was created for a very specific project or niche use on a single team, marking the template private will keep the template from appearing as an available option to add for all other teams in the workspace except the one or few it was added to by the Workspace Creator or Admin.

  10. Update Template:  Clicking the pencil icon for a template brings up meta-settings specific to this template.  Use this to update a template’s name, description, and meta-tags, as well as delete or copy this template.