Template Location and Access

Template Location and Access

  1. The master templates for a workspace are found by clicking the “Library” menu item in the lower-left “Workspace” menu.  This location is where new templates are copied and created, and existing templates are customized.


Only Workspace owners, administrators, and creators (3 security roles within GAPP at the workspace level) have access and can make changes to the workspace template library and make them available for Teams and Team Administrators within the workspace.  Instructions for creating or customizing templates are found here <LINK>. 


  1. In GAPP, Templates are assigned to teams.  The templates assigned to a team are found by clicking the “Settings” menu item in the “Team” menu.  And then selecting the “Templates” page. 


Unless the template is locked (required) by the workspace, Team administrators can control which templates or versions of templates appear for their team by accessing them within their Team settings page. Instructions for assigning or removing a template or templates from a team are found here https://taethni.atlassian.net/wiki/x/IIAoOg.  Please note that if workspace creators or administrators have required certain templates for all teams, they will not be able to be removed by a Team Administrator.  In those cases, if you need a template removed from your team, reach out to your workspace administrators to assist.