GAPP Template Manual

GAPP Template Manual

This web-version of the manual is under construction, but you can download an offline PDF version here:

Introduction to Templates

Templates are the heart of GAPP and are the sets of questions and answers for metrics your workspace wants to track and collaborate on. Templates form the underlying structure behind GAPP and are what users of GAPP use to record activities of various types. GAPP’s template engine is extremely powerful and flexible and allows for the customization of templates within a workspace. GAPP even allows for multiple copies of the same template to be slightly different based on the needs of individual teams in the workspace.


GAPP comes pre-loaded with templates located in the “Global Library”. The Global Library contains both templates and questions that cannot be modified but can serve as the basic building blocks of new templates.


In this manual, you’ll learn about the concepts of how to find and use templates, information about pre-built GAPP templates, how to create and customize your own templates, how to release templates to teams. Along the way, this manual will include best practices and real-world use-cases for templates to help you and your organization supercharge your GAPP Workspace.



GAPP is a product of Ta Ethni, LLC. More information can be found at https://taethni.com/gapp

Table of Contents


The Workspace Template Library


Template Location and Access

The master templates for a workspace are found by clicking the “Library” menu item in the lower-left “Workspace” menu. This location is where new templates are copied and created, and existing templates are customized.


Only Workspace Owners, Administrators, and Creators (3 security roles within GAPP at the Workspace level) have access and can make changes to the Workspace template library and make them available for Teams and Team Administrators within the Workspace. Instructions for creating or customizing templates are found here<LINK>.


Figure 1 - Accessing Templates



Understanding the Workspace Template Library Screen

Clicking the Library menu item under the Workspace menu brings up the following Template Library screen:


Figure 2 - The Workspace Template Library interface

  1. Questions, [Question] Groups, and Templates: These buttons allow viewing and setup of all questions, question groups, and templates.

    1. Questions and Question groups will only display Workspace specific questions and groups, while templates will display both Workspace specific templates and copies of default (or global) templates.

  2. Template Table Search and Filters: This area allows for keyword searching or filtering of templates by their tags, activity types, core tasks, or published status.

  3. Create: Clicking this button begins the template creation process.

  4. Template Table: This area contains all workspace templates and details – Name, Activity Type, and Core Task. Clicking the template name will open the template question editing and configuration screen.

Template Status Fields

  1. Published Status: Templates that are “PUBLISHED” become available for assignment to teams; “UNPUBLISHED” are not available for use.

    1. New or copied templates default to unpublished so that edits can be made prior to making them available to those in the Workspace.

  2. Team/Church: This column displays how many teams/[churches] within the workspace are currently using this template.

  3. Team Default: This column denotes whether a template is setup to be a default template for all new workspace teams. The icon is clickable and immediately toggles this template’s default status (Note: If the template is not published, it cannot be set as default; the icon is unclickable.)

The template is set to default – available on all new teams

The template is NOT set to default – not available by default on new teams

Best practice: Templates marked as “Default” will automatically be available to all new teams created in the workspace. Before enabling this option, test the template works as expected.

Team Locked: This column denotes whether a template is “locked” or “unlocked.” “Locked” status means that a template cannot be removed by Team Administrators. (Only workspace owners, admins, and creators can remove locked templates from teams.) Locking the template means it will always appear in a Team’s Activity picker menu. This icon is clickable and immediate toggles this template’s locked status. (Note: If the template is not published, it cannot be locked; the icon is unclickable.)

The template is locked

  • Auto assign this template to all teams.

  • Auto assign this template to any newly created teams.

  • Enforce teams to always see this template in their Activity picker.

  • Teams will not be able to remove this template until unlocked.

The template is unlocked – team administrators can add/remove it from teams

Best practice: A workspace wants all teams to have a Gospel Conversation template.


Private: This column denotes whether a template is “Private” or “Public.” Templates marked “Private” are hidden from Teams, and Team administrators and can only be added to a team (made public for that team only) by workspace owners, admins, and creators. Templates marked “Public” are available for any team in the workspace to add to their Team’s add activity menu.

The template is private – hidden and only enabled in the Template Library

The template is public – can be added to teams by any team administrator

Best practice: Marking a template private can be helpful to minimize confusion for Team administrators. For example, if a template was created for a very specific project or niche use on a single team, marking the template private will keep the template from appearing as an available option to add for all other teams in the Workspace except those it was added to by the Workspace Creator or Administrator.

Edit/Update Template Details: The pencil icon for a template brings up details specific to this template.

Name: The Template Name will show up as the name of the form when adding activities.

Description: Used to describe the templates use. (shows only in the Template Library)

Tags: Meta-tags used to locate the template and further denote its creator or intended purpose.

Template Settings Page Examples

The below table describes several use cases in how the settings can affect the use of Global Templates.

Figure 4 - Template Settings Examples

Abiding Template:

Is marked Private and is only available to Teams’ Activity picker if the Workspace Creator or Administrator has given it. Team Default and Team Locked are disabled for private templates.

Baptism Template:

Is marked Public so it is viewable by all team administrators. It is Locked, therefore it will appear to ALL teams in the Workspace in their Activity picker. The Team Default icon is disabled when a template is locked.

Church Member Assessment Template:

Is marked Public so it is viewable by all team administrators. It is unlocked, so team administrators can add or remove it from their Team’s Activity picker. It is marked Default, so it will automatically be added to all new Team’s Activity picker.

Digital Engagement Response:

Is UNPUBLISHED. It is not yet available to any team or administrator until it is Published by a Workspace Creator or Administrator. Note: It is likely this template is under construction as a custom template.

Digital Engagement Response:

Is Public and Unlocked so it is viewable and can be added by any team administrator. It is not Default, so it will only appear in new teams if added by a team administrator.


Note: As a Workspace Creator or Administrator, the settings for Global Templates can provide flexibility and customization for all sorts of use cases. For a list of Global Activity Templates/Types, see Appendix B. In the next section we’ll discuss how to add/remove templates from teams.

Adding Templates to Teams (Activity Picker)

In GAPP, Templates are assigned to teams. They appear on the “Activity Picker” menu available for all teams within GAPP.


In the example screenshot of the Activity Picker, the “Gospel Presentation” template is selected. Templates are organizaed by the Core Task as denoted on the Template Library screen.








Access the Team Template Settings Screen

The templates assigned to a team are found by clicking the “Settings” menu item in the “Team” menu (Figure 6). And then selecting the “Templates” page (Figure 7).


Figure 7

Unless the template is marked Locked or Private by the Workspace Creator or Administrator, Team administrators can control which templates appear for their team by accessing them within their Team Settings page.


The Team Template Settings screen

Here you can view currently assigned templates and their Private or Locked status.


Adding and Removing Templates from a Team

Any Team Administrator can add or remove a Published, Unlocked, Public template to their team. Note: In an out-of-the-box GAPP Workspace, all Global Templates are Public, Unlocked, and Default, so no Templates are necessary to be added.


  1. Click on the “+ Templates” button on the Template Settings screen.

  2. A list of available templates is listed. From this screen you can:

    1. Click the “eye” button to preview the template

    2. View the Name, Activity Type, Core Taks, and Public/Private status of the template

    3. Add the Template to a team

  3. Select the checkbox beside the template(s) you would like to add to the team

  4. Once selected, the “Add (#) Templates” button appears. Click this button to add (#) templates.

  5. Select either:

    1. “This Team Only” – Adds the template(s) only to the selected team

    2. “All Descendant Teams” – Adds the template to the selected and all sub teams

    3. (If applicable) “Add Descendant and Org Teams” – Adds the template to the selected and all sub teams within [specific organization]

  6. When complete, you can test this by accessing the Activity Picker for this team.


Remove Templates from Teams

To remove a template from a team, the template must be Unlocked and Public.


  1. Access the Template Settings screen and click the red “Trash Can” icon

  2. Select either:

    1. “Delete for this Team only” – This removes the Template (does not delete the template from the Template Library) from the Activity Picker of that team. Note: Deleting a Template on this screen DOES NOT remove any previously entered activity data within GAPP.

    2. “Delete for all subteams” – This removes the Template from the current team and all sub teams. Note: As above, this DOES NOT delete the template in the Template Library, nor does it delete any previously entered activity data.)








Creating or Modifying Templates

Because templates are the core of the entire GAPP system, learning how to create, modify, and administer them is essential for a successful deployment of GAPP within a workspace.


Who can create or modify templates? - Only those with workspace security roles of Owner, Admin, or Creator can create or modify templates.


Creating a New Template

Template creation is typically used when a template creator wants to create a new template using one of the Global Library preset template categories as a baseline.


From the Template Library Screen press the “+ Create” button in the upper right corner.

When the Create Template dialog box appears, click the “Activity Type” selector, and choose from one of the pre-defined activity types. (These activity types cannot be modified.) See Appendix B for a chart of (Global) Activity Types and their uses.

Each activity type will provide a baseline template with preset questions that can be added to or modified. Please note that some of the questions in each of the preset activity types are locked (meaning they cannot be deleted or changed). These locked questions help to consistently track similar activities across a workspace, while allowing for possible future alliances between workspaces that might want to work together in Great Commission tasks.

After the “Activity Type” has been selected, enter any tags, and then press the “Create” button in the lower right corner of the dialog box.



Tags are recommended when creating or copying templates because they allow for easy identification of a template from the list of templates that can be assigned to teams. If a customized template was made for one region of the world or one or more teams, adding tags can help identify which template is which, especially if both templates were intentionally left with the same template name, like “Gospel Conversation”.


Real World Use Case:

Suppose in Europe, some teams in that region wanted a version of the Gospel Conversation template with 2 additional questions, one that tracked if the conversation was relational or a proclamation and another that asked which evangelism tool was used. The tags could be anything from “Europe” to “Gospel Tools” to “Presentation Type.” In this example our dialog would look like this before we pressed “Create.”


Once Create is pressed, the template editor screen appears, and the template is ready for customization. The parts of the template question editor screen are explained below:

  1. [A] Questions, Question Groups, and Templates: These buttons allow viewing and setup of all questions, question groups, and templates. Questions and Question groups will only display workspace specific questions and groups, while templates will display both workspace specific templates and copies of default (or global) templates.

  2. [B] This small button toggles the display of the template controls. Template controls are where any existing questions or new custom questions can be created and inserted into the custom template. (see below for template control descriptions and usage, and question type and creation)

  3. [C] The “Preview” button allows easy checking of template functionality by displaying an interactive non-saving preview of the template being designed.

  4. [D] The “Publish” button publishes this template to the workspace template library.

    1. Templates that are published become available for assignment to teams (see the “Template Status Fields section above).

    2. New or copied templates default to unpublished so that edits can be made prior to making them available to those in the workspace.

  5. [E] The “Gear” symbol button opens the template configuration settings. Some of these settings, such as template name and tags, are the same as can be accessed from the main template page “Pencil” icon. The two key settings that can only be accessed through this template configuration button are setting the appropriate date fields and building the conditions (or logic rules) for each template. Conditions allow the template creator to create smart templates that respond based on the input received from the template itself. A complete walkthrough of template configuration settings and programming conditions is found below.

  6. [F] The questions and question groups used to make up this template are found in this center section.

  7. [G] Gray shaded boxes containing questions are called “Question Groups.” Question groups allow similar questions or metrics to be grouped under a common heading.

Question Settings Icons

  1. [H] The icons near the end of each question or question group have various meanings, as follows, and change depending upon the settings for that question:

    1. The “Lock” icon means that the question is required in all templates of this activity type and cannot be removed. This helps a workspace track the core metrics consistently from team to team. It also will allow for future alliance possibilities with other workspaces and ability to partner and share specific data with other teams within your workspace and even other workspaces. Please note that if a question group is locked, all questions within that group are locked by default as well. Unlocked questions can be deleted, whereas locked questions cannot.

    2. The “repeat” icon will appear when a question or question group can be repeated by the user. For example, in the “Gospel Conversation” template the Conversation Details question group can be repeated. This means a single template can be used to record the response of multiple people groups during a single gospel presentation. Without the ability to allow for repeating questions or groups, a new template would need to be filled out for each new entity engaged with an activity.

  2. [J] Like activity types and templates, questions are also linked to a Core Task Category. The Core Task Category of a particular question is shown here. Questions that can be used and often appear in any category are tagged as “Universal” category.

  3. [K] The icons on the far right of the question show whether that question is “visible” or “hidden” by default and whether the question is “active” or “inactive.” The hidden or visible property of questions can change based on conditions as the template is being filled out. “Inactive” questions never appear in live templates and can be used for testing a template until it is ready to go live.


The new template is now ready for editing or adding questions, designing rules and logic, and publishing. Those tutorials are listed below.


Copying an Existing Workspace Template

Template copying is typically used when a template creator wants to create a new template from another existing workspace template. While creating a template uses the stock template from the global library, copying a template makes an exact copy of a workspace’s previously configured template. For example, if a template creator wanted to create or modify a version of an already customized template, a copy would be made and any new questions added and/or any unlocked existing questions modified or deleted.


From the template library screen, click the pencil next to the template to be copied.


The Update Template Dialog box will appear. Click the “Copy” button:


The “Copy Template” popup box will appear. Enter tags to describe this copy and press the copy button. (Refer back to Page 5, Step 3 of “Creating a Template”.)


The new copy will appear in the list of templates with the new tag underneath. The copied template will be unpublished and ready for editing. Click the name of the template to edit the template questions. (For question configurations, see the section below)

Adding Questions to a Template

There are several different question types and options available to customize templates. Below we will explore the question types and their options.

To add Questions to a template, click the

button beside the template. This reveals the question library sidebar, which contains two tabs: Library and Controls.

The Question Library contains global questions pre-built in GAPP, organized by their Core Task category. They are ready to be used in templates. The Controls tab contains question types that can be added too templates.

The Question Library tab

The Question Library tab has several features. It contains a Search box where you can search by text for questions, and a list of the questions by their name. There are several other controls here:

  1. Switch between “Library” and “Controls”

  2. Toggle the Global Library questions on and off (Custom questions you later create will appear when this toggle is off).

  3. Filter by the Core Task type or “Universal” questions. (Each Activity Type is assigned a Core Task category, and global questions follow that category.)

  4. Filter the list of questions by its control (question) type.

Add a Question from the Global Library

To Add a Global Library Question to a template, simply drag it to the position in the template and drop it there. Cautionary Note: Be mindful that Global Template Question Groups, denoted by a “Lock” icon are linked to the Global Library and should not be changed (see Figure 10 below)

Figure 10 - Example of a "Locked" Question Group

Question Types

When you access the “Controls” tab on the Global Question sidebar, you’ll be given a list of question types. You’re now able to add you own custom question to your template. First, let us examine the specific question types and what they can do and their general usage. We will also briefly discuss Appearance options, then examine the Configuration options.

Pro tip: One of the easiest ways to test the form and function of the question types is to use the “Preview” function for the Global Templates. The question type icons will help you discover which type of question you’re previewing.

Important Note: The “Location” question is always the first question and cannot be disabled, removed, or hidden.

Here is a list of question types and their general use:

Toggle – Similar to radio button or checkbox, toggle is good for yes/no type questions.

Figure 11 - Toggle Question example

Short Text – Used for text input of short length.

Figure 12 - Short Text example

Paragraph – Used for long-form text responses.

Figure 13 - Paragraph example

Date – Used to choose a specific day and/or time.

Figure 14 - Date example

Date Range – Used to choose a date range of multiple days and/or time.

Figure 15 - Date Range example

Number – Used for numeric input. Can be used with multiple options such as a range, or a single input number.

Figure 16 - Number example

Multi Select – Allows for a list with multiple selections. This list can appear as a chip list (with or without search, summary), dropdown, or inline. (Example below is of chip list inline)

Figure 17 - Multi Select (chip list) example

Single Select – Allows for a list with a single selection. This list can appear as a chip list (with or without search, summary), dropdown, or inline. (example below is of inline)

Figure 18 - Single Select example

Special question types:

  • *People Group – Commonly known as the “people group chooser”, this field allows you to select from a shared database of people groups using data from the Registry of Peoples.

  • *Language – Language chooser. Can be formatted as “spatially enabled” which dynamically loads languages based on the country/location (if previously selected).
    Note: The pre-built list of languages is from the Ethnologue list of global languages, containing over 7,000 languages.

  • *Religious Background – Religion chooser. Can be formatted as “spatially enabled” which dynamically loads religions based on the country/location (if previously selected).
    Note: The pre-built list of religions is loaded based on the XX list of known world religions.

  • *Country – Country chooser. Can be formatted as “spatially enabled” which dynamically loads country based on location (if previously selected).
    Note: The pre-built list of countries is loaded based on the XX list of known world religions.

*These question types come pre-built in dropdown format and controlled in the Global Library of questions.

People Group and Segment Details

Together these four fields can be used together as the Universal question group “People Group and Segment Details”, which when utilized, includes the presence of the “Find a people group” selector.

The “Find a people group” selector allows a user to search pre-defined people groups, and will automatically fill in the People Name, Language, Religious Background, and Country.

Important Note: In general, using the “People Group and Segment Details” group is the preferred method of selecting a people group.


Question Group – This is a “heading” that allows you to group questions together to then be grouped in data services or in the logic builder (see below).

Question Configuration and Settings

Each question type comes with global configuration options, as well as individual settings for each question type. (The “Appearance” settings is listed above with each question type.)

The question configuration screen can be accessed by clicking on each question (or question group). This reveals a side panel that displays the list of configurable options. (Note: If the question is a part of the Global Library, its configuration cannot be changed.)

In general, for most questions, these are the available options:

[Core Task] [Published/Unpublished] [Type]

Label: The label that appears for the user.
Short Label: The label that appears in mobile view.
Description: Subtext below the label describing or giving more information to the user about the question.
Symbol: Use an symbol beside the question.
Controllable: Not currently in use.
Enabled: Is this question enabled for input? (If “no” it will not appear for the user.
Required: Requires the question (a “red” asterisk will appear)
Hidden: Hides the question (can be revealed with logic)
Repeat: Allows for the “Add Another” option for multiple instances of the question (such as people group)
Default Value: Pre-filled value for the question

Additional, question-specific options (not always available):
Copy answers on recurring activities: Allows the answer to be copied over when recurring or linking activities
Read only on recurring activities: Disables editing the answer when recurring or linking activities.

Pro Tip: Use the “Preview” function for viewing the template and its configurable options. Cycling through the different templates and their questions is a great way to discover what each option looks like and how it functions.

Publishing a Template

Publishing a template allows it to be used in the Workspace. Once published, you can use the Template Settings (see page 3) to determine how it is made available for use.


To publish (or unpublish) a template, click on the template and use the Publish / Unpublish button in the upper right of the template configuration screen.


Important Note: If you Unpublish a template, regardless of its settings, it will no longer be available for use in the Workspace.

Advanced Template Functions

GAPP has increased functionality that allows you to have hidden questions appear based on responses, configure how templates behave when used with linking or repeating activities, etc.

Template Configuration

To access the Configuration for a template, click the Template’s name, then click the “gear”

icon beside “Publish/Unpublish” button in the upper right.


Here you find several options to customize your template (see Figure 21). Note: Best practices for modifying Global Templates are to make a copy and customize it.

Configuration fields:
Name: The template name
Description: (Only viewable by other Template Creators or Workspace Administrators) Provides a description of the templates purpose and functions.
Tags: Use to locate the template in the Library, or identify its creator, purpose, audience, etc. in a simple way
Custom Name Reference: Upcoming feature
Custom Description Reference: Used to override the above “Desciption” field with the template’s own comments. (Note currently in use)
Custom Calendar Start Date: Used to control with Date field will determine each activity’s location on the Activity Calendar and Activity Table. E.g. Default will put the Activity’s display date on the date it was created, whereas setting this field to “When?” or another Date field will display it on the Activity date.
Custom Calendar End Date: Same as above but the end date of the activity, if a date range field.
Conditions: See below the section on “Creating Template Rules and Logic”

See Figure 21. The “Custom Calendar Start Date” is set to “When?”, which is a date field on this Template. All activities that use this template will be displayed on both the Calendar and Activity Table based on the date the activity occurred as set on this field not the date they were entered. This is the recommend behavior for all GAPP activities. Note: The activity entry and update dates are also stored in GAPP, regardless of what this field is set to.




Creating Template Rules and Logic

Scroll to the bottom section of the Template Settings page to the “Conditions” section. GAPP can apply Conditional Logic to hide/show questions and/or validate input.

If no conditions exist, Click “+ Create” to create new conditions and reveal the Conditions panel.


Conditions are built using two specific settings: “Rules” and “Actions”

Rules: Define conditions that must be met for the action to take place.
Actions: What takes place once the condition(s) is met.


Creating a Rule

Select a question or question group in the “IF” dropdown. Note that questions within question groups cannot be selected, but rather, the entire group becomes the condition.

Select an “Operator” that applies logic to the question. Possible answers are:
- Is Empty: Field is not filled by the user
- Is Filled: Any value is entered by the user
- Is Equal To: Applies additional logic to ensure an exact value
- Is Not Equal To: Applies additional logic to ensure anything but the specified value

Additional Logic for “Is Equal To” or “Is Not Equal To”:

Because these two operators require a value, GAPP then exposes the “Target” and “Value” fields. Target allows you to specific either a value, or another question. When you select “Value” in the Target field, you are given a list of values for that question. When you select “Another question” in the Target field, a list of questions on the template are available.

Click “+ Add Rule” once you are finished to add the rule. To delete a rule, click the “red” trash can beside the rule. Note: Multiple rules can be added.

See Figure 22. In this example, an action would be triggered if the user does not select Immersion as the Method of Baptism on the template.


Creating an Action

Once you have setup a rule, you will then setup an action if that rule evaluates to true/is matched.

Note: If you have setup multiple rules, you have the option of selecting if Any or All of the rules must match to trigger the action.


Actions begin by defining the “Do” condition. Possible values are:
- Show: Reveals a hidden question
- Hide: Hides a question
- Mark as Valid: Validates the input of a question
- Mark as Invalid: Alerts the user of invalid input. The user must change their answer.


See Figure 23: In this example, if our Rule is trigged (see Figure 22), then the hidden Comments field will now show and allow user input.



Logic Builder Real-world Use Case: The Leader example

Let’s put it all together into a real-world example. The “Group or Church” global template utilizes conditional logic to reveal an entire question group, based on the answer to one single question. Below is a screenshot of the template and its conditions:





In Figure 24, the “Leaders’ Information” question group is hidden. In Figure 25, the condition is set so that if “Has Appointed Leaders?” is checked (it is a toggle), then it will reveal and allow user input for the “Leaders’ Information” question group.

Using the “Conditions” within GAPP allows many options within templates, to hide/show and validate user input.

Pro tip: Many of the Global Library templates already have conditional logic built in, so preview those in the Template Library and see how they function and are built.

Configuring Recurring Templates

Wilson, if you get to this point, let me know what your intent with this one was…

Real World Template Use Case: Modifying the “Discipleship or Training” template

Let’s put all our Template editing skills and knowledge to the test to create a new version of “Discipleship or Training” template, add a new question, re-configure an existing question, and setup a new logical condition. We will then release this template to our entire workspace. (Note: Refer to previous sections to see the screenshots.)

Step 1 – Make a copy of the existing “Discipleship or Training” template

  1. Access the Template Library by clicking on the “Library” link for the workspace.

  2. Click the “+ CREATE” button at the top right to create a new template.

  3. Choose “Discipleship or Training” as the activity type. (Remember that this will use the Global Template so we don’t start from scratch.)

  4. Add a few tags to describe your template, e.g. Your org name, etc.

  5. Click “CREATE”.

  6. You’ll be redirected to the Library screen and you’ll see your new template listed.

Step 2 – Adjust question
[We’d like to add an additional option to the “Type of Discipleship” question, and make it required]

  1. Click on the Template name to show its questions.

  2. Click on the question title “Type of Discipleship” to reveal the “Question Configuration” side panel.

  3. Scroll down to the questions answer options, click “+ Add opion” and enter “Online”.

  4. Scroll down to the question’s configuration options and toggle “Required” on.

  5. Click “Save” at the top of the sidebar to save your question.

Step 3 – Add a new question
[We’d like to add an additional question of “Church Name” if this occurred in a church – two steps]

  1. First, add the new question by clicking the

    button to reveal the Question sidebar.

  2. Click the “Controls” tab to see the list of available question types.

    1. [Optionally, the “Group or Church Name (Optional)” is listed as a question in the Global Library, and we could use it, but to the purpose of this exercise, let us create our own question.]

  3. Click and drag the Short Text question type on the template just below the “Where did this discipleship occur?” question.

  4. Name the question Label “Name of Church”, keep the default “Discipleship” Core Task selected, and toggle the “Enabled” field.

  5. Now click the name of the question to reveal the question configuration side panel.

  6. Scroll down to the Configuration section and toggle “Hidden” to on. (We will reveal this question in the next step with a logical condition.)

  7. Click Save at the top of the side panel, then the “X” icon to return to the Template screen. (Note: Your question library may still be open. You can close it by clicking its “X” icon.)

Step 4 – Creating the logical condition
[We want this newly created question to only show if the user selects “Church” as the location.]

  1. Click the

    icon at the top right of the Template to reveal the Configuration side panel.

  2. Scroll down to the “Conditions” section and click the “+ CREATE” button to create a logical condition.

  3. Select “Where did this discipleship occur?” as the IF condition. (This question’s answer will trigger our action)

  4. Select “Is Equal To” in the OPERATOR field. (The answer must be equal to X)

  5. Select “Value” in the TARGET field. (The answer will equal a value)

  6. Select “Church” [the fields are based on the question’s answer options] in the VALUE field (The answer value to trigger our action)

  7. Scroll down to the ACTION section.

  8. Select “Show” in the DO field. (This will show a field on the activity template)

  9. Select “Name of Church” in the QUESTION field. (This determines which hidden question will show)

  10. Click “Save” at the top of the side panel, then the left arrow button on the Configuration screen to return to the main Template screen.

Step 5 – Test our new template, Publish it

  1. Click “Preview” to view the template and interact with its logical conditions. Here you can pretend to fill out the firm without submitting data, but all fields will operate as they normally would.

  2. We can confirm here that our logic is working, and the new choice(s) we added are correct.

  3. Once it is working as we want, click “Publish” in the upper right to Publish it.

Important Note: In a real-world example, the next two steps would need to be weighed and tested. If you already have active data being entered for the “Discipleship or Training” template, then the next two steps could cause issues, because you have added a new field. Alternatively, if you make any mistakes, it could mean your uses cannot enter any Discipleship of Training activities until you fix it, or worst-case, you lose data. Data loss could occur if you delete a template in the Template Library or remove a question from a Global Template. Also, remember back to the “Lock” icon on specific questions? Those are questions from the Global Library and on a Global Template and should not be removed. When all else fails, test the next two steps for a single “test” team.

Step 6 – Releasing the template to our workspace
[We intend to release this template to our entire workspace by replacing it with the default “Discipleship or Training” template. We will first “release it”, then change its default settings.]

  1. Access the top-level team in the Workspace by clicking on the Workspace name and the “Teams” link.

  2. Click the “three dots” icon to the far right of the top-level workspace team and choose “Settings”.

  3. Click the “Templates” tab to reveal all of the Activity Templates for your workspace that are in use.

  4. Click the “+ Templates” button to show a list of unused, but available templates.

  5. Select the checkbox next to your newly created template “Discipleship or Training” [tags] and click “Add (1) Templates”. [This will add the template to the Activity Picker for ALL workspace teams (or whatever team you are currently accessing), whether or not it is Private/Public] We’ll adjust the other template settings momentarily.

  6. The new “Discipleship or Training” template now will show in the Activity picker under the Core Task of Discipleship. You can test that now.

Step 7 – Remove the old template
[We intend to remove the previous Global Template “Discipleship or Training” from the Activity picker for our workspace (but not delete it)]

  1. Access the “Template” tab from the Settings link on the top-level workspace team (refer to the previous step on this)

  2. From the Activity Templates screen, locate the “Discipleship or Training” [GLOBAL] template and click the red “trash can” icon to remove this template.

  3. Select “Delete for all subteams” to remove it from the entire workspace.

  4. Confirm that this has removed it from the Activity picker under the Core Task Discipleship menu.

Step 8 – Configure our new template
[We want to make our new template public and the default and locked for our workspace. Note that step 8 could be done before 6 and 7.]

  1. Access the Template Library screen.

  2. Locate the new “Discipleship or Training” [tags] template.

  3. Click the gray “shield” icon to make the template Public (it will turn into a green “globe” icon). (This will make our template assignable by all teams in the workspace.)

  4. Click the gray “check” icon to toggle this template to be the Team Default so that all new teams receive it by default (it will turn into a green “checkmark” icon).

  5. Click the gray “lock” icon to assign this template to all teams and make sure they see it in their Activity picker (the lock icon will darken). (Note: This setting could have replaced Step 6, but for the purpose of this exercise, we choose Step 6.)

That’s it! You have created a new template, added a question, changed a question, added logic, configured the template, and released it (and replaced the old version) to the workspace.

This is one example of a sample workflow that would be the mechanics of a well thought out and intentional step to customize your workspace, team, or organization.

Templates: Dos and Don’ts

The template system is highly customizable and powerful, but there are a few use-cases that are not advised

Appendix A - GAPP Global Activity Types/Templates

Each activity type falls under a particular Core Task category. The core task categories, their associated activity types, and their intended use are as follows:


Core Task Category

Activity Types



Abiding (Tracks of Bible Reading, Praying, Memorization, and other Spiritual Disciplines)

Human Needs (Tracks any type of human needs project such as Education, Sanitation, Disaster Relief, Medical, etc.) – Note: This activity type allows recurring.

Language Learning (Tracks of languages and hours spent learning them)

Media Response (Tracks Digital Engagement Responses)

Outreach Event (Tracks of any type of event that reaches out to neighbors or community). Note: This activity type allows recurring.

People and Place Survey (Allows research and helps engagement of people groups)

Place of Worship Survey (Allows research and identification of all places of worship of interest)

Prayer Walk (Tracks intentional prayer walks)

Resource Distribution (Tracks bible, tract, SD card and other resource distributions)

Show Film (Tracks Films shown)

Business Entity Work (Tracks of BAM work)

Gospel Conversation (Tracks evangelism)

Baptism (Tracks Baptisms)

Discipleship or Training (Tracks Discipleship both personal and large group trainings)

Group or Church (Tracks church health and metrics and allows for customized mapping symbology and logic)

Leadership Development (Tracks Leadership development both personal and larger group)

Church Assessment (Base template for assessing church health based on Member assessments)

Church Member Assessment (Base template for assessing church members spiritual health and maturity)

Field Activity Report (Base template for research and tracking other work not done by those in this workspace)



Appendix B: Commonly Used Terms

Commonly used terms within this manual:


Workspace – A GAPP Workspace is a unique instance of GAPP with its own data, users, and teams. Organizations utilize their own workspace to segment their data and activities. (Use: “Workspace”)


Activity – The basic work unit within GAPP, which contains information that is tracked for the work and engagement of peoples.


Activity Type – The basic categorization of templates that defines their unique usage with the Core Task and helps users understand their underlying purpose for tracking activities within GAPP.


Activity Template – The name of the specific template used to enter Activities.


[Need to add more here]

Appendix C: Global Library customizations

GAPP comes pre-loaded with several important and useful Global Library templates and functions. Though these cannot be modified even by a Workspace Administrator, it is important to understand their functionality.

Group or Church template: “Layout editor”
The Group or Church global template comes with a specially designed way to edit the “church circle” layout produced when you create an activity.

To access and change the layout, select the “Group or Church” template in the Library, then click the “Layout” button.

The special layout editor allows a Workspace Administrator or Creator to edit the appearance of how the church circle is drawn, including the icons, colors, and position of those icons. The same conditional logic covered in the “Creating Template Rules and Logic” is allowable here.

Important Note: Careful thought and much global agreement has gone into the default layout here, so it is advised to think carefully before changing this.


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