


Question/Answer Pair

Description (Final) for Template


Record Date/Time

Choose where this activity occurred.


One-way encrypted WorkspaceID

This is the WorkspaceID of the activity encrypted with a one-way hash


One-way encrypted User GUID

This is the User GUID of the activity encrypted with a one-way hash


User Self-ID People Group

This is the ROP25 code of the user and their self-identified ethnicity (These anonymized fields are critical to calculating cross-cultural, near cultural, and same culture engagement in the global status of Christianity.)


User Self-ID Languages

This is the ROL code of the user and their self-identified primary language (These anonymized fields are critical to calculating cross-cultural, near cultural, and same culture engagement in the global status of Christianity.)


Workspace Christian Affiliation

This is the Christian Affiliation code of the workspace Christian Affiliation (These anonymized fields are critical to calculating cross-cultural, near cultural, and same culture engagement in the global status of Christianity.)


Workspace Denomination

This is the denomination code of the workspace (These anonymized fields are critical to calculating cross-cultural, near cultural, and same culture engagement in the global status of Christianity.)





Anonymized Location of Activity (Country Info is Default)

Choose where this activity occurred.  (This anonymized field is critical to calculating the country location of engagement in the global status of Christianity.)


Date/Time/Date Range of Activity

Enter the date the activity occurred.


People Group

Select the people group name.



Select the language this people group primarily speaks.


Religious Background 

Select the previous or current religious background of this people group combination.


Global Segments (Optional)

Select one or more segments (optional).

Distributed Resource

Number of Resources Given 

Enter the number of resources distributed.

Distributed Resource

Type of Resources Given (Select all that apply)

Select the types of resources distributed.

Distributed Resource

Other Resources Given

Enter the name and description of the other resource type given.

Distributed Resource

Language of Resource

Select the language of the resources distributed.

Human Needs Project

Type of Projects (Select all that apply)

Select the type of project or projects done within this date range.

Human Needs Project

How many individuals were impacted?

Enter how many people from this people group, language, and religious background were impacted by this project.

Showed a Film

Which film was shown? 

Select the film that was shown.

Showed a Film

Title of Film?

Enter the name or title of the film shown.

Showed a Film

Language of the Film

Select the language used when showing the film.

Showed a Film

Were Subtitles Displayed?

Select if subtitles were displayed when showing the film.

Showed a Film

Language of Subtitles?

Select the language of the subtitles.

Showed a Film

How many individuals were impacted?

Enter how many people from this people group, language, and religious background were impacted by this project.

Language Study

Methods of Language Study (Select all that apply)

Select the methods of language study used over this date range.

Language Study

Which language did you learn?

Select the language you are learning.

Gospel Conversation

Level of Conversation (Select all that apply)

Select one or more levels of conversation that occurred.

Gospel Conversation

Language of Conversation (Optional)

Select the language spoken during the conversation.

Gospel Conversation

How many heard from this People Group?

Enter the total number from this People Group who heard this conversation.

Gospel Conversation

Already Following

How many who heard from this people group are already following Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?

Gospel Conversation

Negative Response - Not Interested

How many who heard from this people group were not interested in Jesus Christ or the gospel?

Gospel Conversation

Positive Response - Interested but Not Ready

How many who heard from this people group were not ready but wanted to know more about the gospel?

Gospel Conversation

Positive Response - Decided to Follow

How many who heard from this people group decided to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?

Gospel Conversation

Unknown Response

How many who heard from this people group had an unknown response?


How many were baptized?

Enter how many were baptized from this people group, language, and religious background.


Method of Baptism (Optional)

Optionally select the method used to baptize.

Discipleship or Training

How many were Discipled or Trained?

Enter how many were discipled or trained from this people group, language, and previous religious background.

Discipleship or Training

Languages used for Discipleship or Training (Optional)

Enter the languages used for this Discipleship or Training. Use the + Repeat button to add other languages used during the training.

Discipleship or Training

Discipleship or Training Topics (Select all that apply)

Select the topics taught during this discipleship or training.

Discipleship or Training

Where did this discipleship occur?

Select the place category where this discipleship or training occurred.

Church Formation

Is Active? 

Is this group or church still meeting?

Church Formation

Date Started?

Enter the date this group or church originally started meeting.

Church Formation

Date Ended?

Enter the date this group or church stopped meeting.

Church Formation

Identifies as a church?

Does this group identify themselves as a church?

Church Formation

Has Appointed Leaders?

Does this group or church have appointed leaders?

Church Formation

Leader's Gender

Select the gender of this leader.

Church Formation

Is this Leader Trained?

Has this leader received leader training that includes how to teach or preach?

Church Formation

Actively Making Disciples?

Is this group or church actively making disciples?

Church Formation

Practices Believer's Baptism?

Does this group or church practice believer's baptism?

Church Formation

Is the baptizing done by a member of this group or church?

Select Yes if this group or church has authority to baptize members themselves and if baptism is typically being done by members or leaders of this group or church. If a church planter or a leader from outside of this group or church is doing the baptism, select No.

Church Formation

Practices Lord's Supper?

Does this group or church take the Lord's Supper?

Church Formation

Is the Lord's Supper served by a member of this group or church?

Select Yes if this group or church has authority to perform the Lord's Supper themselves and if the Lord's Supper is typically being done by members or leaders of this group or church. If a church planter or a leader from outside of this group or church is administering the Lord's Supper, select No.

Church Formation

Practices Giving?

Does this group or church collect tithes and offerings?

Church Formation

Regular Teaching from the Bible?

Does this group or church have regular teaching or preaching from the Bible?

Church Formation

Is the Teaching done by a member of this group or church?

Select Yes if this group or church is teaching one another and if the teaching is typically being given by members or leaders of this group or church. Select No if a church planter or a leader from outside of this group or church is regularly doing the teaching.

Church Formation

Practices Serving One Another?

Does this group or church love, encourage, and serve one another?

Church Formation

Practices Accountability?

Does this group or church hold one another accountable and practice church discipline?

Church Formation

Practices Prayer?

Does this group or church regularly pray together and encourage individual prayer?

Church Formation

Practices Singing and Praising?

Does this group or church regularly sing and praise in worship together?

Church Formation

How often meeting?

How often is this group or church meeting?

Church Formation

Languages Used when meeting?

Enter the languages used when this group or church meets. Use the + Repeat button to add another language for each worship language used.

Church Formation

Number of People Attending

Enter the number of people attending from this people group.

Church Formation

Number of Believers

Enter the number of believers attending from this people group.

Church Formation

Number of Baptized Believers

Enter the number of baptized believers attending from this people group.

Leadership Development

How many Leaders were Trained?

Enter how many leaders or potential leaders were developed or trained from this people group, language, and previous religious background.

Leadership Development

Languages used for this Leadership Training (Optional)

Enter the languages used for this Leadership Training or discipleship. Use the + Repeat button to add other languages used during the training.

Leadership Development

Leadership Training or Development Topics (Select all that apply)

Select the topics taught during this leadership training.

Leadership Development

Where did this leadership training occur?

Select the place category where this leadership training or development occurred.

Field Activity Report

Primary Christian Affiliation

Select the major Christian Affiliation. Once selected denominations within that affiliation will become available.

Field Activity Report

Protestant Denomination

Optionally select the Protestant denomination.

Field Activity Report

Unclassified Denomination

Optionally select the other denomination.

Field Activity Report

Orthodox Denomination

Optionally choose the Orthodox denomination.

Field Activity Report

Catholic Denomination

Optionally choose the Catholic denomination.

Field Activity Report

Is engagement with a church planting strategy being reported? (Optional)

If engagement with a church planting strategy has been reported, choose YES.

Field Activity Report

Number of Believers Reported? (Optional)

If any new believers have been reported, enter the number here.

Field Activity Report

Number of Baptisms Reported? (Optional)

If any new baptisms were reported, enter the number here.

Field Activity Report

Number of Trainings Reported? (Optional)

If any trainings were reported, enter the number here.

Field Activity Report

Reported Number of Individuals Trained? (Optional)

If any individuals from this people group or segment were reportedly trained, enter the number here.

Field Activity Report

Number of Groups Reported? (Optional)

If any groups were reported, enter the number here.

Field Activity Report

Number of Church Reported? (Optional)

If any churches were reported, enter the number here.

Field Activity Report

Number of Leaders Reported? (Optional)

If any new leaders were reported, enter the number here.

People and Place Survey

Type of Place

Select the type of place identified and surveyed.

People and Place Survey

Name of Place (Optional)

Optionally Enter the Name of the Place.

People and Place Survey

People Group Details

Enter the estimated population, people, language, religious background, and any global segment information for the surveyed or identified people group.

People and Place Survey

People Group

Select the people group name.

People and Place Survey


Select the language this people group primarily speaks.

People and Place Survey

Religious Background

Select the previous or current religious background of this people group combination.

People and Place Survey

Global Segments (Optional)

Select one or more global segments (optional).

People and Place Survey

Population Found

Select the estimated population found during this survey from the ranges provided or select the Exact Number option to enter a precise value.

People and Place Survey

Exact Number Found

Enter the precise population found or identified through the survey.

People and Place Survey


Add any comments here.

Place of Worship Survey

Type of Place of Worship

Select the type of place of worship

Place of Worship Survey

Purpose of Other Place of Worship

Enter the purpose or any other information about the other place of worship.

Place of Worship Survey

Name of Place of Worship (Optional)

Enter the name of the place of worship.

Place of Worship Survey

Language Used when Meeting (Optional)

Select the language used at this place of worship. Repeat for as many languages are used.

Place of Worship Survey

Attendance Estimate

Select the estimated attendance at this place of worship.

Place of Worship Survey

Place of Worship Information

Enter the primary people group, language, and religion of the place of worship.

Place of Worship Survey

People Group

Select the people group name.

Place of Worship Survey


Select the language this people group primarily speaks.

Place of Worship Survey

Religious Background

Select the previous or current religious background of this people group combination.

Place of Worship Survey

Primary Christian Affiliation

Select the major Christian Affiliation. Once selected denominations within that affiliation will become available.

Place of Worship Survey

Catholic Denomination

Optionally choose the Catholic denomination.

Place of Worship Survey

Orthodox Denomination

Optionally choose the Orthodox denomination.

Place of Worship Survey

Protestant Denomination

Optionally select the Protestant denomination.

Place of Worship Survey

Unclassified Denomination

Optionally select the other denomination.

Place of Worship Survey

Church Information

Enter the primary people group, language, and denomination of this church. Click the + Repeat button to add another set of details for each different people group and language that regularly attend.


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