Using the Find a People Group feature
From any activity template choose the “Find a people group” button.
Once you select the “Find a people group” button, your and people group shortcuts from Member Settings will be in a short list.
If the people group you want to select as one of the people groups impacted by this activity, select the yellow arrow.
If the people group is not in your shortlist, select the search box.
Search by a PEID, PeopleID3, or a People Group name to find a match.
Once you have found your expected people group select the yellow arrow button.
When there is known people group match between the global lists of and you will see indicator badges that notify you of this. This indicator will notify you of this match no matter if you used the find people group feature or manually selecting the four combinations of People Name, Language, Religion, and Country questions.
In instances when you know the people impacted are traveling temporarily or another reason that this activity should inform the global status of Christianity in the person’s country and not in the activity country, it is appropriate to choose a different country than the activity location.