GAPP (Gospel to All Peoples and Places) gives you the ability filter activities to show only the activities you want to see. As activities increase, filters may be needed to view just the activities you want to see.  


The filters available, which are detailed below, can be broken into 4 main categories: 


All filters can be found at the top of the Activities and Explorer pages. The two most common filters, Sub Teams and Date Range are accessible at the top of the activities page, for convenience, as well as well as in the Filter selection menu. The filter selection menu is on the far right beside the date range and looks like an upside-down pyramid. 

Within the filter selection menu, there are two buttons at the top for applying your filter and clearing all filters. Once you have chosen your filters, click on the apply filters button. If you click out of the menu without clicking apply, your filters will not be kept, and you will have to choose them again.

Available Filters

By using more filters, you can get to a very specific data set from a wide range of activities.  

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