You and your team member or national partner are out on a prayer walk. You meet a group of people, have a gospel conversation, and are invited back to visit a few days later! In order to document what happened so you can keep track of the details, you both want to add activities to GAPP. So, who does what? You don’t want to duplicate entries.   

 The “Contributors” section allows you to add members of your GAPP team to an activity.   

Only Members of the selected team are available in the Contributors section.  

If you do not see the team member whom you worked with, please see the article on Who to Invite to What for help. 

 What are the benefits of adding Contributors? 


To add members from your GAPP team


  1. Start Adding or editing an activity. 

  2. Once the Activity Window opens, you will see the “Contributors” section. 

  3. Select the “Add Member” symbol in the Contributor’s field. An “Add Members” box will open. 

  4. Type in the name or click in the Search box to see all available names. 

  5. Select the name(s) you want to add as Contributors and select Add Members in the bottom right.

Data Owner 

You can also change the Data Owner for the new Activity you are entering. This might be necessary if: 

To change the data owner of an activity

  1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Contributors box and select your name in the Data Owner box.


  2. A new box opens allowing you to select a new Data Owner.   

You can only have one Data Owner per Activity.

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