Every Workspace comes with a set of Global Activity Templates. Each template has its own specific use.




Use this template to record daily abiding activities.


Use this template to record and track baptisms. Chain to this template to record and track activities, such as discipleship, that occur as a result of this baptism activity.

Church Member Assessment

Use this template as a part of a larger church planting assessment process. This template is for recording the qualitative assessment of individual church members and leaders based on a series of detailed interview questions. Typically a minimum of five such member interviews would be conducted per church assessed and chained under that church within GAPP. Then, these member assessments are used to complete the Qualitative Church Assessment Template for that church. This template is based on a church planting assessment process developed by the Global Research Department of the International Mission Board (used in GAPP with permission). To obtain a copy of the entire church planting assessment process including how to randomly sample churches, as well as all of the interview and assessment questions, please email gric@imb.org.

Digital Engagement Response

Use this template to record media or digital engagement campaigns and basic metrics. Chain to this template to record activities, such as evangelism or discipleship, that occur as a result of the media or digital engagement campaign.

Discipleship or Training

Use this template to record and track discipleship or training activities.

Distributed Resources

Use this template to record when resources such as Bibles, Tracts, SD Cards, and other materials are distributed. Chain to this template to record and track activities, such as evangelism or discipleship, that occur as a result of this resource distribution.

Field Activity Report

Use this template to record activities done by other networks or individuals that your team or workspace wants to track but that were not done directly by your team or workspace members. Activities recorded this way can be used to track progress done by others but do not aggregate up into team reports.

Gospel Conversation

Use this template to record and track when conversations around the gospel have occurred. Chain to this template to record and track activities, such as additional gospel conversations, baptism, or discipleship, that occur as a result of this gospel conversation.

Group or Church

Use this template to record and track groups or churches as they progress toward health. Groups and Churches also function as a type of team, and once created, members can be directly added to churches and their activities can be recorded as a part of that group or church.

Human Needs Project

Use this template to record and track human needs projects. Chain to this template to track any resulting activities, such as evangelism or discipleship, that occur as a result of this project.

Language Study

Use this template to track the number of of hours spent in language study. Chain this template to easily repeat language study activities and to only record and track new hours spent studying.

Leadership Training

Use this template to record and track leadership training, discipleship, or development activities.

Media Response

Use this template to record media campaigns and basic metrics. Chain to this template to record activities, such as evangelism or discipleship, that occur as a result of the media campaign.

Outreach Event

Use this template to record and track events for intentional outreach. Chain to this template to track any resulting activities, such as evangelism or discipleship, that occur as a result of this outreach event.

People and Place Survey

Use this template to survey and record places of interest and any associated people group information for your team or workspace that can be displayed alongside your team's activities.

Place of Worship Survey

Use this template to mark the location of and provide information about an place of worship.

Prayer Walk

Use this template to record and track prayer walks. Chain to this template when other activities, such as evangelism, result from the prayer walk.

Qualitative Church Assessment

This template is used as the final part a larger church planting assessment process for recording the overall qualitative health assessment of a particular church and should be completed after a minimum of five church member or leader interviews and assessments have been completed (See the Church Member Assessment Template within GAPP). This template is based on a church planting assessment process developed by the Global Research Department of the International Mission Board (used in GAPP with permission). To obtain a copy of the entire church planting assessment process including how to randomly sample churches, as well as all of the interview and assessment questions, please email gric@imb.org.

Showed a Film

Use this template to record and track when a film is shown. Chain to this template to record activities, such as evangelism or discipleship, that occur from the showing of this film.

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