\uD83D\uDCD8 How How to create teams
Keep in mind that every team you create will be a child team to the parent team you create. You can create a new child team in one of the following two ways.
Select the Team name in your “Favorite Teams” list and then select “Teams.” This will take you to the “Teams” page.
Select the “Create Team” button.
Type the name for the child team you wish to create and select “Create Team”.
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If the parent team is not in your “Favorite Teams” list
Select your Workspace name from the side menu.
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Image AddedSelect “Teams”. A list of all the teams which you have access to will appear.
To expand the list to show all the child / descendent teams, select “Expand All”.
Select the three dots by the Team where you wish to create a child team, and select “Create Team”
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Image AddedType the team name for the child team you wish to create and select “Create Team”.
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Info |
Note: Administrators and Network Viewers of a parent team can view all information (team name, team members, activity information, etc.) related to their child teams. Viewers and members cannot view any child team information. See Team Roles for more information. A child team cannot see any information related to their parent team. From the Child team’s perspective, they do not even know who their parent team is. All GAPP team members, regardless of role, can create a child team. By default, whoever creates a team becomes the administrator of that team. Although you can view all activity information in your child / descendant teams, you will not be able to edit any activity information unless you are an administrator or member of that team. All activity information can be aggregated and summarized up to a parent team.
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Reasons for Creating a Child Team You may be working with several groups and want people within each group to see each other’s activity information, but not the activity information of people from other groups due to security concerns. See Who to Invite to What for more information. Since team administrators can customize their activity templates, as an administrator you may want to create different activity templates and different team objectives for separate groups which are more contextually relevant to the type of work they are doing and the state of the gospel of the peoples and places they work among. You may want to aggregate and summarize the activity information of different group members separately.
How to Create a Team at the Workspace Level
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To create a Team at the Workspace level, you must be a Workspace Administrator. |
From the Workspace side navigation bar, select Teams.
From the Teams Tree View, select the + Team to create a team.
Alternatively, you can select the + button under the Workspace Level name.
Enter the Team Name.
Select Create Team.
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