To Edit a Workspace Member’s Role
Select the Workspace
Select Members
Select the Edit icon for the member whose role you want to change
Select the appropriate role or roles
Select Save
Basic Summary of Roles
“Member”: No workspace-level permission
“Viewer”: Can view workspace teams and members
“Creator”: Can manage the workspace Library
“Administrator”: Can manage the workspace, create and manage teams, and manage members
“Owner”: Has same permissions as “Administrator” plus can give other members the workspace “Owner” role and delete the workspace The default workspace role. Members can be invited to join teams in this workspace, and depending on their team roles, can view some teams, members, and data within the workspace.
“Viewer”: View all teams, members, and data within the workspace.
“Creator”: Create and manage workspace templates and questions.
“Administrator”: Do all things in a workspace, including managing members, settings, permissions, and templates.
“Owner”: Do all things that an administrator can do and delete the entire workspace.
Detailed chart of the functions each role can perform